Meet the Tattoo Artist Behind our New Forever Eye Mask Design – Dieux
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Meet the Tattoo Artist Behind our New Forever Eye Mask Design
Charlotte Palermino

Meet the Tattoo Artist Behind our New Forever Eye Mask Design

It's been one year since we launched the Forever Eye Mask and we wanted to commemorate it with an artist that creates in one of our favorite art forms; tattooing. Meet David Enth, an artist that perfected his craft while in school.

Tell us about yourself?

I come from a big family and was born here in LA county. I am grateful to have tattooers in the family, including my older brother and some of my cousins. I recently just graduated college en route to specialized nursing and/or PA school. I got my bachelor degree at USC while I was tattooing on the side to make money. Because of the family pressure to pursue a career, especially as a first generation student, graduating school was definitely something I couldn’t let pass me by. But thanks to the support from friends and especially my clients, I am now able to tattoo full time to support my friends and family. 

Why were you thinking of a career in the healthcare industry?

I recently just completed my bachelor’s at USC as a pre-med student. I got my degree in Health Promotion and Disease Prevention, which is a specific branch of public health that focuses on intervention and policy. Since I was in highschool I had plans to become a specialized nurse or a physician’s assistant. I was really into anesthesiology too. Growing up around tattooing was one of many catalysts for me to take on a different career path in my family.

Why tattooing over medicine and why tattooing as an art form?

Tattooing, painting, music, and clothing are things my family enjoys working on. Tattooing allowed for me to enjoy things outside of capitalism and to avoid pressure from needing to do something productive everyday. It has and still is teaching me mindfulness and fulfills me in ways like when I worked as a student in the hospital.

 Do you feel tattoos are still stigmatized?

Tattooing is becoming a lot more normalized here in LA, which is a good thing for all tattooers. It’s interesting knowing that there are places where recreational tattooing is just getting decriminalized. I think there will always be a stigma against tattooing and tattoos for now around the world. But the stigma is a generational perspective that will slowly fade out, hopefully. 

What inspires you? what are your favorite things to tattoo? do you have a signature style?

There are so many people and things that inspire me daily, which is why I consider my medium more of a collective. I’m inspired by clothing, furniture, and tattooing. (etc.) In tattooing, my favorite thing to tattoo is large scale pieces. I like to make clients look like they’re cyborgs by tattooing very sleek and futuristic patterns from behind their head down to their lower spine.

Why In The Making?

In The Making is a non-profit that supports communities that I identify with. They are a resource center that provides essentials and education to underprivileged communities. They work with the homeless epidemic in LA and also provide workshops that help the youth with real life situations (like filing their taxes). I chose In the making because Dieuxskin can provide not only financial support, but also provide products to people in these communities that don't have the luxury of prioritizing their skin health.

Every purchase also donates 10% to In The Making, a charity close to David Enth. In The Making is a community resource center located in East Los Angeles. They collect donations and corporate overflow of clothing, toiletries, and household goods to redistribute them to smaller groups and individuals in need. They operate a boutique where they teach and train youth in work and life skills in order for them to be better equipped as adults so every purchase helps them Dieux more good.

Shop our limited edition design mask here.

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